Associating a mask with the category
- Access to the Configuration > Category menu.
After configuring an identification mask, it is necessary to associate it with a category.
Categories within SoftExpert Suite have the function of dividing created objects according to their common characteristics. This division allows better management and organization of data.
Thus, it is possible to associate the created mask with the category ID # and title.
See how to associate the mask with the ID # and the title
For this example, we will use the "CONT" mask. For further details on this mask, access the Adding an identification mask article.
- Access the Configuration > Category (DC043) menu.
- Click on the button.
- On the category data screen, fill out the ID # and Name fields.
- Select the "Use mask for the ID #" option.
- In the Identification mask field, search for and select the desired identification mask.
- After doing that, click on the button.
- In the Attribute tab, click on the button and select the attributes configured in the identification mask; for this example, "Contract Manager".
- In the Default value field, select the responsible party.
- Then, click on the and buttons.
To associate the title, simply repeat the steps in the Use mask for the title field.
It is important to point out that the mask object, in this case, must be configured with the "Document title" option.
Thus, the category was associated with a previously configured identification mask.
After associating the category ID # and title with the mask, it is possible to add a document using these configurations.