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Help center



The Help center gathers all resources focused on user support and system information.



Redirects to the SoftExpert Suite user manuals. Our manuals are composed of articles separated by components. After being redirected, browse our Help center to search for what you need!


Start here

Redirects to a guide that helps the user in their first contact with SoftExpert Suite, regardless of component.

That is, it provides support to the general use of the system: first steps, component menu overview, portal functions, daily resources, etc.



Redirects to all materials related to courses and automated processes of the SoftExpert store.

Upon acquiring material, it will be made available for access in the Infinity e-learning menu described below:


Infinity e-learning

Redirects to the list of SoftExpert Suite trainings you have acquired.

The materials can be purchased individually through the Store or compose the full package of our Infinity plan. In both cases, after purchasing it, you are given a user and a password to access the materials.

Upon clicking on the Infinity e-learning button, the Customer center portal will be opened. In it, enter the user and password that were provided and log in. All done! You will have access to all acquired materials.


Excellence Blog

Redirects to our Blog with useful and interesting information. The Excellence Blog aims to share knowledge, concepts, challenges, and proposals for solutions linked to excellence in management.


Release Notes

Redirects to the Release Notes documentation, which displays the new features of each system version.


Patch Bulletin

Redirects to the bug fixes for each system version.

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