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Configuring a requirement type



• Access to the Configuration > Requirement type (REQ009) menu.



Learn how to create a requirement type that will be used to classify the requirements and their mappings.

For example: it is possible to create a requirement type named "Documentation" to classify all requirements used to evaluate the documentation department of the organization.


Configuring a requirement type

Watch the video below for a practical example of this creation. The chosen example has a simplified revision type.

The Revision, Requirement security, and Type security fields will not be covered.


For further information, refer to the Configuring a revision and Configuring the security articles.

Additional information

The Enable requirement mapping revision equalization task option ensures that requirements and their respective mappings are in the same current revision. 

If this field is enabled, whenever a new revision is released for the requirements, a task will be generated warning that a new revision must be made for the mappings.

However, it is important to note that it is not mandatory to revise the mappings, so the option should be enabled according to your needs. For example: the organization may define that the requirements will be revised quarterly, but mappings will only be revised yearly.

For further information on the creation of evaluation methods associated with the Mapping tab, refer to the respective articles.



Configuring the validity control

It is possible to define that requirements created through this type will have a set validity control and must go through the revalidation process.

To enable revalidation, follow the steps below:

1. On the General tab of the requirement type data screen, check the Revalidation option.

2. Click on the button to search for the previously created Validity.

3. Find and select the desired validity control and click on .


Attribute association

When creating a requirement type, it is possible to associate attributes that will be used when mapping requirements and attributes that will complement the information of requirements and sub-requirements of the type.

For further details on attributes and their configurations, refer to the What is an attribute? article. 

Remember that the attribute association is the same for all tabs. For further details on associating attributes with the type, refer to the Attribute association article. 



The requirement type created here can be used to create a requirement and create a mapping.

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