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Creating an import profile for computers


  • Access to the Configuration > Computer > Import profile for computers (AS070) menu.



Computer import allows for registering all the computers an organization has in detail. Whenever there is an import, the system registers the new computers and updates those already registered.

An import profile for computers gathers the parameters of the computer import process. The main function of this record is to define the file in which the data of the computers will be filled out, whether these data will be inputted manually or through a third-party platform, and to map system fields in relation to the file fields.

In this article, as an example, a profile will be created for the import of an organization's desktop computers by means of a template that will be filled out manually.


Creating an import profile for computers

See below how to create an import profile quickly:



After creating the import profile, the next step is to import the computers.

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