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Adding an attribute of the List of values type



  • Access to the Configuration > Attribute menu.



This step will teach you to create and configure an attribute of the "List of values" type. At the end of this process, it will be ready to be associated with the type/category of a SoftExpert Suite object.

Attributes of this type allow the user to select a pre-defined list of options for that attribute during its completion. When an upper level attribute is related to a lower level attribute, the value selected for the upper level attribute will determine the options available for the lower level attribute.

For example: it is possible to create the "Responsible department" upper level attribute for the departments in the company that are responsible for a document, with the following values: "Marketing", "Sales", "Quality control", and "Documentation". The "Marketing" value can be related to the "Marketing team" lower level attribute, which will have values with the names of the team members.

See how to configure attributes of this type in the video below:

The fields listed below are not mandatory, but they enable other parameterizations:

Allow adding values during the completion: enable this option if the user who fills out the attribute should be able to add new values to it.

Default operator: this field is displayed filled out by the system, but it is possible to edit it. It is used to define the default operator to be selected in the system when using this attribute on a search filter.

Limits: fill out the fields in this section only if you wish to set minimum and maximum values for the attribute values. For example: if the "Numeric" data type has been selected, you can set the attribute values to be within 0 and 300. This section is only available for attributes with "Numeric", "Date", or "Currency" data types.

Description: if desired, it is also possible to enter a description for the attribute.



When creating a list of values attribute, the following configurations may be applied:

  • When an attribute of the list of values type has up to 15 values to be selected, we suggest using the "combo" mode, as a list will be displayed with all options. Beyond this number, we recommend using the "zoom" selection mode, as it will be possible to search for the attribute title.
  • It is also possible to associate the attribute with other attributes of the same type and configure its security, among other operations.



From this moment onwards, the created attribute is ready to be associated with types and categories.

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