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How results are calculated





The calculation of results in SoftExpert Survey transforms collected answers into final scores, allowing for a detailed analysis of survey results. 

See below how results are calculated: 


Survey score calculation

Records in “Survey” mode calculate the score.

First, the score of the questions is calculated. To this end, the following formula is used: maximum answer score divided by the score of the selected answer. Then, the division result is multiplied by the question weight defined in the record.

See an example:

Examples — question score calculation:

Consider question “ABC”, with weight 1.0 and the following answer options:

Answer 1: 100.00

Answer 2: 75.00

Answer 3: 50.00

Answer 4: 25.00

Consider that the respondent selected Answer 3. Apply the formula:

(50.00 / 100.00) × 1.0

0.5 × 1.0 = 0.5

Question score = 0.5

Now, consider question “XYZ”, with weight 2.0 and the following answer options:

Answer 1: 100.00

Answer 2: 75.00

Answer 3: 50.00

Answer 4: 25.00

Then, consider that the respondent selected Answer 2. Apply the formula:

(75.00 / 100.00) × 2.0

0.75 × 2.0 = 1.5

Question score = 1.5


Then, to obtain the survey score, this formula is used: [SUM (QUESTION SCORES) / SUM (QUESTION WEIGHTS)] * 10

See the following example:

Example — survey score calculation:

Consider the following survey, with questions “ABC” and “XYZ” and the previously calculated scores:

“ABC” score = 0.5                                                            

“ABC” weight = 1.0                                                             

"XYZ" score = 1.5                                                             

“XYZ” weight = 2.0                                                           

 [(0.5 + 1.5) / (1.0 + 2.0)] × 10

(2.0 / 3.0) × 10

 (0.66) × 10 = 6.6

Final survey score = 6.6


It is important to note that only questions that do not have the “Do not consider this question for the final score” option enabled will be considered.



Test score calculation

Records in “Test” mode calculate the score automatically.

First, the score of the questions is calculated. 

To this end, the following formula is used: maximum answer score divided by the score of the selected answer. Correct answers equal 1, and wrong answers equal 0. Partially correct answers can be worth a value between 0 and 1, defined in manual correction by the corrector.

Then, the division result is multiplied by the question weight defined in the record. 

See an example:

Examples — question score calculation:

Consider question “ABC”, with weight 60 and the following answer options:

Answer 1 (correct): 1

Answer 2 (wrong): 2

Consider that the respondent selected Answer 1. Apply the formula:

(1 / 1) × 60

1 × 60 = 60

Question score = 60

Now, consider question “XYZ”, with weight 20 and the following answer options:

Answer 1 (Correct): 1

Answer 2 (Wrong): 0

Then, consider that the respondent selected Answer 2. Apply the formula:

(0 / 1) × 20

0 × 20 = 0

Question score = 0

Finally, consider question “Descriptive” with weight 40 and the following options:

Correct answer: 1

Wrong answer: 0

Partially correct answer: 0.5

The corrector judged it to be a Partially correct answer. Apply the formula:

(0.5 / 1) × 40

0.5 × 40 = 20

Question score = 20


Then, to obtain the test score, this formula is used: [SUM (QUESTION SCORES) / SUM (QUESTION WEIGHTS)] * 10

See the following example:

Example — test score calculation:

Consider the following survey, with questions “ABC” and “XYZ” and the previously calculated scores:

“ABC” score = 60  

“ABC” weight = 60

"XYZ" score = 0

“XYZ” weight = 20  

Descriptive score: 20

Descriptive weight = 40                                                           

 [(60 + 0 + 20) / (60 + 20 + 40)] × 10

(80 / 120) × 10

 (0.66) × 10 = 6.6

Final test score = 6.6


It is important to note that only questions that do not have the “Do not consider this question for the final score” option enabled will be considered.

Questions from sections with the “Do not take into account the questions of this section for the final score” option enabled will not be considered.




Once the results are calculated, the final scores of the surveys will be generated automatically, reflecting the score and weight assigned to each question.

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