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SoftExpert Request views



  • Access to the View > Request (SR008) menu.
  • Access to the View > Tasks (SR019) menu.



To make it easier to control records and check saved information, the system provides view menus.

See the views available in SoftExpert Request:

Request view

Allows for viewing all requests recorded in the system, regardless of their status.

1. Access the View > Request (SR008) menu.

2. Fill out the search filters with the data of the request you wish to view.

3. Click on SEARCH. At this point, requests will be displayed according to the filters.

4. Select a request to view.

5. Expand the button and choose the View data or View object data options referring to the request.


To-do task view

Allows for tracking the to-do tasks of the users of the Request component.

1. Access the View > Tasks (SR019) menu.

2. In the Task type field, on the left side of the screen, click on Select task type.

3. On the screen that will open, fill in the Task, User, Position, or Department field to filter the task types by the values you want.

4. Click on Search, and the task types will appear just below.

5. Select the desired task types and click on Apply. At this point, all tasks related to the selected types will be displayed on the main screen.

6. Select one of the tasks and click on the button to view its data.


Learn more about the view screens here.




Views are important to keep all system operations under control.

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