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Executing variable reading





The variable reading menu is an essential tool for monitoring and controlling the operating conditions of assets through their associated variables. This feature enables accurate data collection, which is critical for effective maintenance and asset management.

Main screen structure

Designed to facilitate navigation and optimize information management, the interface is divided into three quadrants:

First quadrant - Search filters panel

Provides filters for quickly locating assets and their corresponding readings, thus simplifying the monitoring and analysis process.

Second quadrant - Asset view:

Displays a list with the assets created in the system. Selecting an asset in this quadrant allows for accessing additional details and the readings of associated variables.

Third quadrant - Variable readings:

Displays variable readings for the asset selected in the second quadrant, providing a clear view of the collected data.


Executing variable reading

1. Access the Execution > Variable reading (MA028) menu.

2. From the list of records in the second quadrant, locate and select the desired asset.

3. Click on the button from the third quadrant to record the values obtained in the variable reading.

4. From the Reading tab, in the Date field, change the current date if the reading was done on another day.

5. In the Time field, change the current time if the reading was done at another time.

6. In the Value field, enter the value obtained from the variable reading.

7. In the Measurement unit field, change the displayed value if the measurement unit of the variable is incorrect.

The Value and Measurement unit fields will be displayed only for objective variables.


8. In the Option field, select the value that represents the reading of the variable from the available options.

The Option field will be displayed only for subjective variables. The options shown in this field are configured during the creation of the subjective variable.


9. In the History tab, verify the previous readings of the variable if you wish.

10. Click on the button to execute the reading.



This resource is imperative to ensuring that asset maintenance is carried out based on concrete and up-to-date data.

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