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Executing meter reading





The meter reading menu is a tool designed to make it easier to monitor and control asset maintenance and replacement. It allows for not only an accurate reading of meters associated with assets, but also data input to reset these readings.

Main screen structure

The main screen of this menu is organized into three quadrants to maximize efficiency and ease of use:

First quadrant - Search filters panel

Makes it easier to locate assets and their readings. The filters are designed to speed up access to necessary information, reducing the search time.

Second quadrant - Asset view

Displays a list of available assets. Selecting an asset in this quadrant allows for viewing specific details and associated readings.

Third quadrant - Meter readings

Displays meter readings for the asset selected in the second quadrant. This space is dedicated to showing collected information, which enables data-driven analysis and decisions.


Executing meter reading

1. Access the Execution > Meter reading (MA027) menu.

2. From the list of records in the second quadrant, locate and select the desired asset.

3. Click on the button from the third quadrant to record the values obtained in the meter reading.

4. From the Reading tab, in the Date field, change the current date if the reading was done on another day.

5. In the Time field, change the current time if the reading was done at another time.

6. In the Value field, enter the value obtained from the meter reading.

7. In the History tab, check previous readings for the meter if you wish.

8. Click on the button to execute the reading.



With this resource, users can ensure that assets are maintained in optimal condition, supporting the continuity and efficiency of operations.

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