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SoftExpert Capture tasks



Tasks are pending system activities for which the user is responsible. They are divided into two categories: Execution and Tracking.

Tracking displays the tasks for which the user is responsible, but that are executed by another user.

Execution tasks are pending tasks that the user must execute within a deadline or defined period.

In SoftExpert Capture, no tracking tasks are generated. 


See further details on the generated tasks:


Execution tasks


After creating the capture batches, tasks are generated to allow the responsible parties to execute the steps configured for the captures.

Who receives it Members of the responsible teams for the execution of the capture steps.
When A batch is created, but it is not sent to the next step. 
The capture batch is released for the execution of a capture step. The steps in which the capture batch will pass are defined in capture configuration to which the batch belongs.
Where My tasks menu.
Purpose Execute the capture step configured for the batch.



As tasks are executed and closed, they are no longer displayed in the list of pending records in the Task menu.

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