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Transferring tasks between teams





The Management > Task transfer > Team (AD039) menu allows tasks to be transferred from one team to another, ensuring that the members of the new team take over their execution.

Follow the steps below to learn how to quickly transfer tasks:


Transferring tasks between teams

1. Access the Management > Task transfer > Team (AD039) menu.

2. In the Team search filters field, select the team whose tasks you wish to transfer.

3. In the Component search filters field, expand the list of options and check the components, with the license, in which the tasks were generated.

4. Click on the SEARCH button so that the tasks are presented according to the applied filters.

5. Check the tasks you wish to transfer.

6. In the To column of each checked record, select the team to which the task will be transferred.

7. Click on the button from the top toolbar to execute the transfer.



After the execution, the tasks will be transferred to the new teams.

Using this feature increases operational flexibility and contributes to a more collaborative and adaptable work environment.

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