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FMEA - 2.2.2


Migrating 4th edition process FMEAs to the new AIAG & VDA version 

From version 2.2.2 onwards, it is possible to migrate 4th edition process FMEAs to the new AIAG & VDA version. Previously, users who wished to migrate the process FMEAs from one version to another would need to recreate them in the new version.

Now, in the 4th edition process FMEA structure, the Display AIAG & VDA fields option is displayed. When this option is checked, the system will enable the completion of the following information: focus element function, defect detection location, lower element function, and 4M. After the information is filled out, simply click on the Convert AIAG & VDA button.

It is important to note that the migration process will not edit the original FMEA that is being migrated. The system will generate a copy of it for the migration, ensuring the 4th edition FMEA remains intact. Note that the migration option is available only for process FMEAs; thus, its actions will not be transferred to the new version FMEA.


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