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Performance - 2.2.1


Process formulas filter

As it was possible to create Analytics formulas by adding specific formula filters, it is now possible to add filters to process formulas, filtering the forms that will be considered in the formula. 



Allow checking a period as not applicable for indicators with formulas

From version 2.2.1 onwards, users with permission will be able to check one or more indicator periods as not applicable, even if it has a formula. 

Periods that are checked as "not applicable" manually will not be unchecked by formulas, remaining with this status until the user unchecks them.


Saved formula for multidimensional indicators

From the new version onwards, it is possible to define saved formulas for multidimensional indicators. Thus, these formulas will be copied to every dimension of the indicator.



Creation of a scorecard calculation scheduling through planning

To facilitate the creation of scorecard calculation schedulings, it is now possible to perform this operation through the scorecard data screen, making it easier to manage its automatic calculations.



Changing calendars in batches

From version 2.2.1 onwards, through scorecard planning, it is possible to batch edit the calendar used by the daily indicators of the scorecard.

Thus, it is not necessary to open the data screen of each indicator to edit its calendar.


Indicator import in the record 

The new system version makes available information of the second accumulation for the import of indicators to the record.

Thus, it is not necessary to manually edit indicators to configure the second accumulation.


Copying indicator security

It is now possible to copy the security of an indicator to one or more scorecard indicators, simplifying and increasing the speed of the security configurations of several indicators when necessary. 



Disabling an element type in the framework

In version 2.2.1 of the system, the ability of disabling element types used in the scorecard framework has been added; elements of inactive types that have already been added will continue to be displayed.

However, it will not be possible to add new elements of these inactive types to the scorecards.



Formula differences in the structure comparison

It is now possible to view the formula differences between a scorecard and its template, as well as to clone these differences.



Usability in the target/measurement screen

The data in the target/measurement screen will first be displayed for the year of the first period to be filled out. Moreover, when there is approval, the screen will be opened in the respective tab.


New gauge chart

In this version, we have switched the graphic Gauge components.

This has simplified the Gauge configuration; thus, some previously used options may no longer exist.




Removal of the integration with SoftExpert Action

In this version, the SoftExpert Action component has been removed from SoftExpert Suite.

Thus, the information on occurrences related to SoftExpert Performance will no longer be displayed.


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