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SoftExpert Suite jobs



SoftExpert Suite has multiple jobs running in the background. In the tables below, see the description of each one of these jobs:


CaptureHotFolderJob Hot folder job that creates automatic SoftExpert Capture batches.
ClickSignIntegratorJob ClickSign integration job for signatures.
DataBaseStatisticJob Job that updates database statistics to improve data access performance.
DataImportJob Job that imports external data in order to relate it to SoftExpert Capture.
DocumentListWidgetMigrationJob Job that migrates SoftExpert Document portals.
DocumentPermissionJob Job that recalculates document/category permissions.
DocumentPermissionPurgerJob Job that removes obsolete permissions from documents.
DocumentPurgerJob Job that deletes temporary records from the FTS table referring to document viewing.
DocumentTaskNotifierJob Job that sends notifications on scheduled SoftExpert Document tasks.
DocuSignIntegratorJob DocuSign integration job for signatures.
EvaScheduler Job that calculates EVA and EVM indicators.
FileTempExecutionJob Job that executes record schedule events for electronic files.
FileVerifierJob Job that verifies the integrity of electronic files.
GoogleDriveDocumentPurgerJob Job that deletes temporary records generated from the integration with Google Drive.
ImportJob Job that imports external data into SoftExpert Suite.
IndexerDocumentsJob Job that indexes system data for use in the general view.
IndexJob SoftExpert Capture indexing job.
JasperJob Job that executes and sends scheduled reports.
LDAPSynchronizerJob Job that integrates user records with domain services.
MailExecuter Job that monitors e-mail imports.
MailMonitorJob SoftExpert Capture job that monitors e-mails.
MaterializationUpdateJob Job that materializes SoftExpert Analytics analyses.
MicrosoftOneDriveDocumentPurgerJob Job that deletes temporary records generated from the integration with Microsoft OneDrive.
MonitorInfoContextJob Job that verifies the functioning of the system's most sensitive services.
NotifierPending Job that sends users a summary of their tasks.
OcrExecuteJob Job that executes Optical Character Recognition (OCR) automatically.
PDFConverterManagerJob Job that manages the PDF conversion queue.
PlanActivityCreateJob Job that automatically creates activities for the Asset and Maintenance components.
ProtocolWidgetMigrationJob Job that migrates SoftExpert Protocol portals.
PurgeAuditRecords Job that purges old data/audits from the system.
QualityControlExecuteJob Job that validates the structure of XML files associated with a capture batch.
RelationshipJob Job that executes the SoftExpert Capture relationship step.
RemoveObsoleteDocumentsJob Job that removes indexes that no longer exist in the system, improving the performance of the general view.
RevisionDeadlineJob Job that monitors revision deadlines when the TEMPORAL clause is used.
ScorecardJob Job that calculates SoftExpert Performance scorecards.
ScoreProjectScheduler Job that calculates SoftExpert Portfolio indicators referring to deadlines, resources, and results.
SendMailJob Job that sends out e-mail systems.
STTreeConverter Job that converts SoftExpert Performance scorecard structures.
UpdateAllUsersPendingTasksJob Job that updates the task menu of the system users.
UpdateCanAggregateAttributeJob Job that converts old visions (SoftExpert Analytics). It is executed only once.

SocketJob jobs

Competence SocketJob Job that executes automated SoftExpert Competence routines.
Employee Historical SocketJob Job that imports employee profile history based on the events recorded in the system.
Mapping SocketJob Job that recalculates the requirement mapping statuses of the organization's employees.
Risk EvalSelfJob Job that automatically calculates risk self-assessments. It also sends e-mail notifications for the execution and approval of risk and control evaluations.
Survey SocketJob Job that executes automated SoftExpert Survey routines.
Task Archive SocketJob Job that validates the archiving of Kanban tasks.
Training SocketJob Job that executes automated SoftExpert Training routines.



Now you know the jobs that SoftExpert Suite executes.

SoftExpert Configuration provides a menu that allows for monitoring all scheduled jobs. See more details by clicking here.


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