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Executing an audit

The Audit execution to-do task of SoftExpert Audit will be displayed if the user is a member of the team responsible for the audit, is the auditor, or is the lead auditor, as defined in the category.

Through the sorting button, it is possible to arrange the tasks by the ID # or title of the audit.

From the list of tasks, it is possible to identify the planned start and end dates, and the actual start and end dates of the audit. The right side of the listing displays the progress percentage of each audit.

When the ACTIONS button is tapped on the task or requirement data screen, the Send to next step option will be displayed. When this option is selected, the task will be executed, and the audit will be sent to the next step.

When the task is accessed, it is possible to see the result next to the progress. It is also possible to open the audit to check and evaluate the requirements under the auditor's responsibility. The screen will be divided in three sections:

A - Sub-levels: presents a list with the requirements of the audit along with their scores, conformity levels, results, and weights.

B - Finding: allows for adding comments to the audit.

C - Attachment: allows for adding attachments to the audit.

When an audit requirement is opened, it will be possible to add, in the Finding section, its conformity level, value, description, hint, evidence, and comment. Moreover, in the Attachment section, a file can be added to complement the requirement.

This information will be visible on the main screen of the selected audit. The user may be required to fill in the Conformity level and Value fields of the requirements in order for the audit to be sent to the next step.

At the bottom of the screen, the Next button allows for accessing the next requirement of the list without closing the current screen.

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