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Executing an action

The Action execution to-do task of SoftExpert Action plan will be displayed if the user is the specific executor of, or is part of the team responsible for executing, the action plan/isolated action.

From the list of tasks, it is possible to identify the status, deadline, completion percentage, and start and end dates of each action plan/isolated action. 

Through the sorting button, it is possible to arrange the tasks by the ID # or title of the action plan/isolated action.

When the ACTIONS button is tapped on the task data screen, the Send to next step option will be shown. When this option is selected, the task will be executed, and the action plan/isolated action will be sent to the next step. It may be mandatory to fill out the fields in the "Execution" section.

When the task is accessed, the activity data will be displayed, allowing the user to fill in execution data, attributes, answer checklists, enter results, and add attachments.

In the Execution section, it is possible to enter the execution start and end dates of the activity, the cost generated by the execution, and the execution percentage. This section also has a field that allows the user to automatically fill in the execution fields with the planned dates or with the rescheduled dates.

In the Result section, it is possible to provide information referring to the results obtained with the execution of the action, such as "Lesson learned", "Objective achieved", "Benefit achieved", and "Reason for delay". After entering the information, tap on the Save button.

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