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Executing an action

The system will display the Action execution task of SoftExpert Action Plan if you are the executor or are part of the team responsible for the execution of the action plan/isolated action.

In the list of tasks, it is possible to identify the status, deadline, conclusion percentage, and the start and end dates of each action plan/isolated action. 

Through the sorting button, it is possible to sort the tasks by the ID # or title of the action plan/isolated action.

When clicking on the ACTIONS button within task data, the following option will be displayed:

  • Send to next step: When clicking on this option, the task will be executed and the action plan/isolated action will be sent to the next step. It may be mandatory to fill out the fields in the "Execution" section.

When you access the task, the task data will be displayed, allowing for the attributes, checklists, results, attachments, and execution data to be filled out.

In the Execution section, it will be possible to enter the Start and End date for the task, as well as the cost generated with the execution and the execution percentage. The section also has a field that allows for the execution fields to be automatically filled out with the planned or rescheduled dates.

In the Result section, it will be possible to fill out information regarding the results obtained with the action execution, such as Lessons learned, Objectives achieved, Benefits achieved, and Reasons for delay. After filling out the information, click on the Save button.

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