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Executing a project task

The Task execution to-do task of SoftExpert Project will be displayed if the user is the executor of, or is part of the team responsible for, the task.

When the user taps the button located next to the task or the ACTIONS button on the task data screen, the following options will be shown:

Start: this option will be displayed for tasks with the Start status. Once selected, the task will be started, with the current date as the start date. 

Finish: this option will be displayed for all tasks. Once selected, the task will be finished, with the current date as the end date.

When the to-do task is accessed, the data of the task will be displayed, allowing the user to fill out attributes, answer checklists, enter results, add attachments, and provide the execution data.

In the Result section, it will be possible to insert information regarding the results obtained in the execution of the task, such as “Lesson learned”, “Objective achieved”, “Benefit achieved”, and “Reason for delay”. After entering the information, tap on the Save button.

In the Execution section, it will be possible to set the execution start and end dates of the task, in addition to the execution percentage. This section also has a field that allows the user to automatically fill in the execution fields with the planned dates or with the rescheduled dates.

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