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Viewing an asset

By accessing this operation, the Assets section will be displayed. In it, the Associate button will be available. Click on it and, on the list that will be opened, search for the asset whose data you wish to view. Once the asset is selected, click on the Associate button again.

At this point, you will be redirected to the main screen. In the Assets section, the asset you have just associated will be displayed.

The button will be available next to it. Click on it to view the asset data or to disassociate it, allowing another asset to be viewed and associated.

The Plan summary section will also be available, so you can access the summary of the plan of the asset that was associated.

Once the asset is associated, you can decide to create a corrective maintenance after viewing the data. To do so, on the main screen, click on the Actions button and on Create a corrective maintenance.

The Create a corrective maintenance screen will be opened. The previously associated asset will already be filled out. This is the same screen covered in the Creating a maintenance topic. Refer to it for further details.

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