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SoftExpert Suite application

The application not only improves your experience in using the mobile version of the system, but also allows for better integration between your device and SoftExpert Suite, enabling resources such as reading QR codes or barcodes through the device's camera. The SoftExpert Suite application is available on Play Store and App Store.
























After downloading the application, upon accessing it for the first time, the home screen, which will guide you through the initial configurations for the application, will be displayed. 

First, you will need to enter the URL that will be used to access the system. Once a valid URL is informed, the icon will be displayed and the SAVE button will be enabled.

After saving the system URL, the login screen, which is described next, will be displayed.

If it is necessary to edit the system URL, simply log off and click on the button on the login screen. At this point, the screen for the system URL configuration will be displayed.

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