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Execute a task

After planning is finished, the responsible party can execute the task.

To do that, follow the steps below:

1. Access the My tasks > Time control > Task execution menu.

2. Search for the task created in the previous topic.

3. Select it and click on the arrow next to the button.

4. In the Actual % field, enter "20", indicating that 20% of the task was performed.

5. Click on Save. From this point onwards, the task is considered as started.

6. Explore the task data screen. In it, it is possible to add attachments and documents and fill out requirements and forms related to tasks, among other information related to task execution.

7. To finish its execution, access the task data screen once again and fill out the Actual % field with "100".

8. Click on the Save and exit button and confirm the system message.

9. All done! The task was executed.

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