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Plan a task

This topic will teach you how to plan a nonproject task, that is, a task that is not related to a project (SoftExpert Project).

To do this, simply follow the steps below:


1st step: Creating a task type

Creating a task type is necessary to define some configurations and group them, enabling a better organization of the records that exist in the system.

To create a task type, access the TC028 menu and click on the button.

On the screen that will open, fill in the ID # field with "007" and the Name field with "Generic activities".

Click on the button.


2nd step: Planning a task

Once the task type is created, we can plan the task.

To plan the task, access the TC008 menu and click on the arrow next to the button and on Create task using wizard.

On the screen that will open, select the task type created in the previous step.

Then, click on the Next button.

In the next step, fill out the ID # field with "007" and the Name field with "Training".

Note that the Responsible for the task and Responsible for the execution fields will already be filled out with your user.

Click on the Next button.

In the Description field on the Summary step, enter "Training of new employees".

Click on the Finish button.

All done! The task planning is finished. Simply click on the Close button to return to the main screen.

We will now send the task to be executed.

To do so, on the main screen, select the task we have just planned.

Click on the More > button and confirm the system message.

The task has been sent to execution!

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