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Set initial configurations

The receiving inspection form is the starting point of SoftExpert Inspection receivings; it contains information such as form object, quality index, inspection flow, evaluation group, and supplier.

However, it is necessary to set some prerequisites to be able to create the inspection form.

To do this, simply follow the steps below:


1st step: Creating a form type

Creating an inspection form type aims to sort inspection forms and define their behavior.

To execute this step, access the IP059 menu and click on the button.

On the screen that will be opened, fill out the ID # field with "PTP" and the Name field with "First plug type", and select the "External finished product" option for the Form object field.

After doing that, click on the button.

The inspection form type has been created.


2nd step: Creating an inspection flow

The flow represents the inspection steps that the item will have.

To create this record, access the IP023 menu and click on the button.

Note that the system displays 4 flow options; the difference between them is the order of the qualification and inspection steps.

For this example, keep the second option selected.

Then, enter "FLUX-001" in the ID # field and “Standard inspection flow” for the Name of the inspection flow.

Then, enter the responsible team for each flow step. To do that, search for a team previously created in the system, of which your user is part.

If there is none, click on the button next to the field and fill out the ID # and Name fields; on the Member tab, click on the button to add your user.

After doing that, click on the button.

Then, keep the Deadline fields filled out with "5" days.

After doing that, click on the button.

Thus, the inspection flow has been successfully created!


3rd step: Creating an evaluation group

To create an evaluation group, access the IP024 menu and click on the button.

On the screen that will be opened, fill out the Name field with "Inspection assessment group".

The evaluation group intervals are used to calculate the receiving ranking.

In this example, we will group the receivings in the 1-month evaluation interval and use the 3-month accumulated interval to allow comparing history data; to do so, fill out the fields in the Frequency section as displayed below.

In the respective field, select the same team used in the inspection flow creation.

After doing that, click on the button.

The evaluation group was created successfully!


4th step: Creating a quality index

To create a quality index, access the IP031 menu and click on the button.

On the screen that will open, fill out the ID # field with "INDEX-001" and the Name field with "Quality index", and uncheck the Qualification field.

We will now use the Inspection equation field to calculate the inspection quality index.

To do so, click on the button.

On the editor screen, select the NOR variable.

To finish, click on the button.

Then, in the Object/Object equation field, click on the button. 

On the editor screen, select the Number of NC (NONC) variable.

To finish, click on the button.

Now, on the index data screen, click on the button to save the record.

The quality index has been created.


5th step: Creating a form object

The creation of the form object will depend on the inspection form type chosen when creating the form.

As we have created a form type for an external finished product in our example, we will now edit the item with revision control created for the SoftExpert PDM quick guide.

To do that, access the IT011 menu, search for the created cylinder, and click on the button.

On the screen that will be opened, check the "External item" field.

After doing that, click on the Save and exit button.

The form object has been successfully configured!

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