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Initial configurations

To manage the physical files of the company, it is necessary to have a record schedule configured, in addition to the locations in which the document will be archived.

To do that, take the following steps:


1st step: Creating a record retention schedule

A record retention schedule aims to establish the archiving criteria and the parties responsible for the files, manage the file events, and establish their final disposal.

To do that, access the AR037 menu and click on the button.

On the screen that will open, fill out the ID # field with "001", the Name field with "White papers", and the Issue deadline field with "1" day.


On the next tab, check the Current tab to enable it, and fill out the Archiving deadline field with the value of "1" and the Retention period field with the value of "0".


We will also enable the Media burning tab; to do so, check the indicated field and enter the archiving deadline with the value of "1" day.


Finally, access the Final destination tab, check the Disposal field and, in the Delete field, select the "Document" option.


After doing that, click on the button.

Thus, we have successfully created a record retention schedule!


2nd step: Creating a storage place

A storage place is a physical location in the organization in which repositories are found, with the purpose of storing documents.

Thus, we will access the AR003 menu.

By default, the Department field will be filled out with the department of the logged user. For this example, we will keep the field selected and click on Search.

We will now add a storage place.

Click on the button and, on the storage place data screen, fill out the Name field with "Archive A1" and the Maximum capacity field with the value of "150".


After doing that, click on the button.

The storage place was created successfully!


3rd step: Creating a repository

Once the storage place is created, we can create a repository to store the documents.

To do so, we will access the AR004 menu.

By default, the Department field will be filled out with the department of the logged user.

For this example, we will keep the field selected and click on Search.

Once done, click on the button and, on the repository data screen, fill out the following fields:

  • ID #: "DR02".
  • Name: "Document repository".
  • Storage place: Select the previously created "Archive A1" storage place.
  • Maximum capacity: "70".

After doing that, click on the button.

The repository was created successfully!

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