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Configuring a supplier category



  • Access to the Configuration > Supplier > Category (SL005) menu.



To use SoftExpert Supplier, it is necessary to assign a classification to the supplier according to the division established for the supplier database. 

This division enables a quick selection of the supplier that best meets the desired needs according to their specific product types.

See below an example of this division according to the branch of activity of the supplier. In this case, the suppliers related to chemical products will be grouped through the "Chemical" category.


Adding a category

1. To add a category, access the Configuration > Supplier > Category (SL005) menu.

2. Click on the button.

3. On the screen that will be opened, enter an ID # and a name.

4. Access the Electronic file tab and enter the complex file container.

5. Then, click on the button to save the information.

See further details about the category screen:

- In the General tab, an upper level category can be defined in order to generate a hierarchy for the category that is being created.

- The Electronic file tab is used to associate the electronic file container, which specifies the files that must be delivered by the supplier. For further details, access the Configuring a complex file container article.

- The Category security tab is used to set the security rules that will be applied to the category. To learn more, access the Defining the category security article.

- The Evaluation tab is used to define a periodic evaluation related to the customers belonging to the category. To learn more, access the Configuring the evaluation in the category article.




This article has taught you to configure the supplier category to simplify the selection of the desired supplier according to specific characteristics. After configuring a category, it is possible to create a supplier.

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