Performing searches in SoftExpert Requirement
• Access to the View > Requirement mapping (REQ039) menu.
• Access to the View > Requirement (REQ032) menu.
• Access to the View > Tasks (REQ030) menu.
To facilitate controlling records and viewing recorded information, view menus are made available.
Views available in SoftExpert Requirement are:
- Requirement mapping, for a detailed vision of requirement mappings and associations made with the requirement data during mappings;
- Requirement, for a consolidated vision of requirements, along with the results of mappings made for them;
- Tasks, to search for and view activities created in SoftExpert Requirement.
The View > Requirement mapping (REQ039) and View > Requirement (REQ032) menus have the following features:

A – The Saved searches section displays the searches that have been saved by the user.
B – The Quick search can be used to search for records through their ID #s or names.
C – The Select type button allows filtering the search by choosing a requirement type.
D – The Advanced filters allow filtering the search through specific information. In mapping search, the filters include requirement data or mapping data, scope, and attributes; in requirement view, the filters include requirement data, favorite requirements, workflows related to requirements, and requirement mapping information.
E – The Search button will execute the search. Before using it, apply the filters or fill out the search field as needed.
F – The button opens the structure of the requirement selected in the list of records. In mapping view, the structure of the requirement linked to the mapping will be displayed.
G – The button opens the data of the record selected in the list of records. In mapping view, the mapping data screen will be displayed; in requirement view, the requirement data screen will be displayed.
H – After a search is done, clicking on the Analyze button allows performing OLAP analyses with the search results.
Records displayed on the view menus cannot be edited, only viewed.
Performing searches
To see examples of searches and understand task search better, refer to the video below:
Saving searches
When there are searches done oftentimes, a useful resource is to save them.
1. Apply the filters and search for the records.
2. Once the records are displayed, click on Save.
3. Choose whether you wish to create a New search or replace a previously saved search.
4. For replacements, choose the search that will be replaced.
5. To add a new search, enter a name for it.
6. Choose whether the search will be saved in Private or Public mode.
7. Click on Save.

Searches are a practical way of accessing system records, facilitating the management of information.