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Finishing a mapping



• Access to the File > Requirement mapping (REQ024) menu. 
• Requirement mapping under revision.



After finishing the requirement mapping, it is necessary to finish editing it.

This process must be performed for requirement mappings with a Simplified revision template. For mappings configured with ISO9000-based or Workflow revision templates, the Requirement mapping revision task will be generated, which must be accessed through the Task menu.


Finishing the editing of a requirement mapping

If the requirement type configurations have an evaluation method defined for the mapping, it will not be possible to finish the requirement mapping editing before closing all evaluations in the structure.


To finish editing the requirement mapping, follow the steps below:

1. Access the File > Requirement mapping (REQ024) menu.

2. Click on Search to display the list of records. Use the quick search if you need to search for the mapping ID # or name.

3. Select the mapping under revision.

4. Click on the button.

5. On the requirement mapping data screen, click on Accept revision and confirm the operation.

Once the mapping is finished, the system will add to the structure data the calculation to indicate whether the requirement is in compliance. 

To check the information, on the mapping data screen, click on the Structure option.

On the screen that will be opened, note that the Applicable and Implemented columns will be filled out by the system according to the previously performed mapping.

If it is necessary to change the mapping after finishing its editing, click on the Enable editing button.



Once the mapping editing is finished, we can monitor requirements.

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