Creating a test plan by sample
• Access to the File > Requirement test > Test plan (REQ020) menu.
This article will teach you to create test plans by sample.
Tests by sample may or may not have a population.
Creating a test plan by sample
Follow the steps to create a test plan by sample in the video below:
Recurrence configuration
Recurrence pattern: define whether the event will be executed daily, weekly, monthly, or yearly.
Every: after defining the period, choose the number of days, weeks, or months after which the event will be executed, or the day of the year.
Use the following fields: starts on (Choose an item), Ends on (Choose an item), Starts on (DD/MM/YYY), Ends after (Occurrences), Ends on (DD/MM/YYYY) to define exactly when the event will be started and ended for each of the tasks associated in the Monitored objects section. Through the Starts on (Choose an item) and Ends on (Choose an item) fields, it is possible to determine that the event will be triggered on the start date of the task and ended when its deadline is reached.
• Test plans must have at least two configured results, passed and failed, but it is possible to add as many extra results as necessary. For further details on result customization, refer to the Creating a test plan by test case article.
• If a checklist is associated, the questions will be used as a criterion to reach the desired result percentage. For example: If the associated checklist has 10 questions and the value entered in the Result >= (%) field is 70%, during the test execution, 7 or more questions must be answered as YES for the test result to be Passed.
Extra configurations
• In the Details tab, it is possible to configure the test plan security. The steps for this configuration are displayed in the Configuring a security article.
• In test plans by sample, it is possible to add attributes to complement sample information. For further details on attribute association, refer to the Attribute association article.
• It is possible to associate documents from SoftExpert Document and add attachments related to the test plan. For further details on this operation, refer to the Adding attachments and associating documents article.
• For further details on the creation of checklists, refer to the Creating a checklist article.
• For further details on the association of plans with populations, refer to the Creating a population article.
The test plan is ready to be associated with populations.