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External attribute relationship



  • Access to the Configuration > Attribute menu.



Just as in the List of values, the external attribute relationship aims to connect the values of attributes with relative information, allowing the system to filter the values of the lower level attributes compared to the upper level attribute.

For example: it is possible to create a relationship between an upper level attribute named States and its values imported from an external database, such as Santa Catarina, Paraná, Rio Grande do Sul, etc.

The Santa Catarina value can be linked to the Cities lower level attribute, with values imported from an external database with the names of the cities in that state.

The relationship between external attributes can only take place if the tables on the source database are related.


Creating an external attribute relationship

To learn how to create an external attribute relationship, watch the video below:



Thus, during completion, when selecting a value in the upper level attribute, the lower level attribute will only display values related to the value selected in the upper level attribute.

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