Executing the approval
The approval execution is triggered when the step to which it was configured is closed.
The approval execution task will always be found in the My Tasks menu, but the name of the task may vary according to the step to which it refers.
For example: the survey planning approval task is executed through the My tasks > Survey > Survey planning approval menu.
Executing the approval
1. In the My tasks menu of the desired component, locate the approval task.
2. Then, select it and click on the button on the toolbar.

3. On the record data screen, check if the information is correct and if it can be approved. Some components will not display data.
4. If the Approval checklist tab is displayed, click on it and answer the checklist.
5. It may also be possible to enter comments about the record.
6. In the Approved field, select "Yes" to approve the record or click on the Approve button if it is displayed for that component.
According to the selection in the Approved field, the record will be approved or rejected. Then, the record will follow its flow, which may vary according to the approval step and the specific component.
The approval was successfully performed! It was configured, applied to a record, and executed. Thus, the approval flow has ended.