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Configuring activity classification



  • Access to the Configuration > Activity classification (MA037) menu.



This resource allows for classifying the maintenances, verifications, or calibrations of a standard activity. Examples of classification include: preventive maintenance, temperature calibration, among others.

Classifying activities is extremely useful for many reasons, such as ensuring that all activities comply with applicable standards and regulations, thus facilitating internal and external audit processes.

This practice also contributes to the efficiency and productivity of operations, since well-classified activities allow for a more organized workflow that is less prone to errors.


Configuring activity classification

1. Access the Configuration > Standard activity type (MA048) menu.

2. Click on the toolbar button.

3. On the screen that will open, enter an ID # and a name for the activity classification.

4. Click on the button to save the record.



Once saved, the record will be ready to be associated with the standard activity in the Activity classification field. Thus, the activities created from the standard one will be classified accordingly.

Classifying activities is an essential practice for the effective management of maintenance, verification, and calibration processes, positively impacting the organization's operation and productivity.

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