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Configuring a software type



  • Access to the Configuration > Computer > Software type (AS081) menu.



A software type standardizes the configurations of the pieces of software and classifies the latter in the system. To this end, it is important to configure a type considering the software that will be linked to it.

The type is associated on the data screen of the software licenses in the system. This way, the type will be linked to the software to which the licenses correspond.

See how to set this configuration:


Configuring a software type

1. Access the Configuration > Computer > Software type (AS081) menu.

2. Click on the toolbar button.

3. On the screen that will open, enter an ID # and a name for the software type.

4. Fill in the Upper level type field in order for the type being configured to be a subtype of another software type.

5. Select an identification mask in order for the software of this type to have a standardized ID #. For further details, click here.

6. Enter a relevant description about the software type.

7. In the Attribute tab, add the attributes you want to be filled out in the software of this type. For further details, click here.

8. Click on the button to save it.



Once saved, the software type can already be associated with a software license! To learn more about this operation, click here.

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