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Configuring a computer import scheduling





SoftExpert Asset allows for importing computers automatically by means of scheduling. To this end, when creating the scheduling, we set a start date for the import, its recurrence, and the import profile that will be used by the system.

See how to configure an import scheduling for computers:


Configuring a scheduling

1. Access the Configuration > Computer > Scheduling (AS071) menu. 

2. Click on the toolbar button.

3. On the screen that will open, enter an ID # and a name for the scheduling.

4. In the General tab, enter the date and time for the scheduling to start.

5. Define the import recurrence. To do so, in the Frequency field, select the desired option:

No recurrence The import will be performed once on the selected start date; therefore, it will not repeat.
Hour(s)/Minute(s) The import will be performed in an interval of hours or minutes. Enter the desired interval in the every __ hh:mm field. It is not possible to choose a time below 15 minutes.
Daily The import will be performed in intervals of days. Enter the desired interval in the every __ day(s).
Weekly The import will be performed on specific days of the week. In the Week days field, check the days on which the scheduling must be executed.
Monthly The scheduling will be executed in certain months of the year. In the Months field, check in which months you want for the scheduling to be executed.

6. In the End of recurrence field, determine how the import recurrence will end:

No end date The import will repeat indefinitely, following the defined recurrence, until it is interrupted manually.
Ends after The import recurrence will end after a certain number of occurrences. Enter the limit number of occurrences in the Occurrences field.
Ends on The import recurrence will end on a certain date. Select the month and the year when the recurrence will end in the Date field.

7. In the Import profile tab, select the import profile that will be used to import the computers.

8. Click on the button.

Later on, the History tab will display the logs of the performed executions. Use the Status, Start date, and End date fields to filter the log records. Use the button to view the log record details.




The computer import will start on the defined date and time and will repeat following the configured recurrence.

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