Portal presentation
- “Audit trail” permission enabled on the Configuration > Access group (CM011) menu.
- Portal shared publicly or with the logged user.
- Access to the Portals menu.
The Presentation feature provides the user with a broad vision of the portal and an automatic transition between its elements. It works similarly to a slideshow.
To use the presentation mode, access the desired portal, click on the button and then on Presentation:

Presentation mode resources
During the presentation, there will be a button bar in the lower right corner of the screen. See how the buttons on this bar work below:

A - Allows for dragging the button bar to another position on the presentation screen.
B - Pauses or resumes the automatic portal transition. The Previous andNext buttons allow for manually transitioning from one screen to another.
C - Configures which screens will be displayed:
- By panel: The portal tabs will be displayed on each screen.
- Widgets of this panel: The widgets of the currently displayed tab will be shown.
- Widgets of all panels: The portal widgets will be displayed, that is, the widgets of all the tabs on each screen.
D - Allows for configuring the timing options for automatic transitions. Select the desired options: 15 seconds, 30 seconds, or 1 minute.
E - Exits presentation mode.
Thus, the desired elements of the portals have been visually presented. Now, it is easier to share the results found with your team.