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Importing a requirement sheet



• Access to the File > Requirement (REQ021) menu; 
• Reference requirement created.



See in this article how to import requirement sheets from an Excel spreadsheet into SoftExpert Requirement. Thus, it is possible to add several requirement sheets to the structure of a reference requirement at once.


Downloading and filling out the import spreadsheet

1. Access the File > Requirement (REQ021) menu.

2. Click on Search to display the list of records.

3. Click on More and choose the Import option.

4. On the screen that will be opened, select Requirement import and click on Start.

5. The screen of the Select file step will open.

6. Go to the First time? section and click on the specified location.

7. Open the RQREQUIREMENT spreadsheet that has been downloaded.

8. The RQREQUIREMENT tab displays the columns of the general requirement sheet data. The Recommendations column specifies which general data field each column represents, and which must necessarily be filled or not.

9. Fill out the columns of the fields of the requirements to be imported. Each filled row in the columns will be equivalent to a requirement sheet.

10. Save the spreadsheet. The requirements are ready to be imported.

• If the required columns are not filled out, the system will not validate the import.

• The columns that reference the system records must be filled with the exact same information as that of the system.

• The extension of the file must be .xls and said file must maintain the same language downloaded from the system. For example: if the spreadsheet is downloaded while SoftExpert Suite is in English, but is imported later on with SoftExpert Suite in Portuguese, the system will not validate it.



Importing a requirement sheet



The requirement sheets will be duly recorded. This is a very practical way to create multiple requirement sheets all at once, filling out the reference requirement structure much faster!

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