Configuring the security
• Access to the Configuration > Requirement type (REQ009) menu.
• Access to the File > Requirement mapping (REQ024) menu.
In the requirement type, it is possible to configure the security for the requirements of the type and for the type itself. Security configurations ensure that only certain users, teams, etc., have permission to view or edit records.
For example: we can define that the Documentation type will be viewed by all system users (public), but only edited by the managers.
Configuring the requirement type security
To learn how to configure the requirement type security, watch the video below:
Access types
• Team: the security list will be composed of all users that are part of a team.
• Department: the security list will be composed of users from a selected department in the organization.
• Department/Position: the security list will be composed of users from a specific department of the organization, who have a specific position.
• Position: the security list will be composed of users who hold specific positions in the organization.
• User: the list will include a specific user.
• All: the security list will be composed of all users who have access to SoftExpert Requirement.
Controls of the Requirement security tab
• Add: allows creating requirements in this type.
• Edit: allows editing the data of requirements of this type.
• Delete: allows deleting the requirements of this type.
• List: allows viewing the requirements of this type in the list of records.
• View: allows viewing the data of requirements of this type.
Controls of the Type security tab
• Add: allows adding new types to levels below the requirement type.
• Edit: allows editing the type data.
• Delete: allows deleting the type.
• Security data: allows editing the security data of the type. Users who have this control denied, or not enabled, may change the requirement type; however, this section will be blocked.
• List: allows viewing the type on the system screens that have type hierarchy.
• View: allows viewing the data screen of the type.
Configuring the requirement mapping security
Requirement mapping security configurations are performed on the mapping data screen itself.
To configure the mapping security, follow the steps below:
1. Access the File > Requirement mapping (REQ024) menu.
2. Find and select the mapping whose security you want to configure.
3. Click on the button.
4. Access the Security tab.
5. Enable the Restricted option.
6. Click on .
7. Repeat the steps explained in the Configuring the security video.
Controls of the Security tab on the mapping data screen
• Add: allows adding departments or controls to the requirement mapping.
• Edit: allows editing the records associated with the requirement mapping (departments and/or controls).
• Delete: allows deleting the records associated with the requirement mapping (departments and/or controls).
• List: allows viewing the requirements of this type in the list of records.
• View: allows viewing the mapping structure.
After saving, the access permissions will be applied. However, whenever needed, the security can be redefined.