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Commenting in the SoftExpert Kanban task history



  • Access to the Execution > Board (KN008) menu;
  • Configured workspace;
  • Created task.



It is possible to leave comments on the events recorded in the history of the tasks. Thus, instructions for improvements, for example, can be provided to any specific related user.

See how to use this feature:


Adding comments to a task

1. Access the Execution > Board (KN008) menu.

2. Select the workspace of the board with the tasks on which you want to comment in the history.

3. Click on the ID # of the desired task to open its data.

4. Then, click on the History option.

5. Find the event of the task on which you want to comment. The events are sorted by date.

6. In the event, click on Comment and type the message in the specified field. If you want to mention a user, type @. A list of possible users will be displayed for selection.

7. Click on Save.



After saving, the Edit and Delete buttons will be available for the user who inserted the comment to perform these actions.

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