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Filtering and grouping tasks in the board



  • Access to the Board and backlog (KN008) menu.
  • Created tasks.



For a better search and tracking of tasks on the Board screen, they can be filtered and grouped.

See how to perform these operations below:


Filtering and grouping tasks in the board

Watch the video below to learn how to filter and group tasks:

Additional information on grouping options

  • If there are tasks without an assignee defined, the system generates a grouping named Not filled out, for grouping by assignee.
  • When filtering tasks by Priority, the system will not list the priorities that are not being used to classify the tasks.
  • When grouping by Deadline, the system presents a group named Not filled out, if there are tasks without a deadline defined.
  • The grouping by Sprint is valid only for workspaces configured with Scrum methodology. The board will display active sprints only.



With the filtering and grouping features, it is much easier to manage the tasks!

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