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Parameterizing a calendar



  • Access to the SoftExpert Configuration > Configuration > Calendar (AD016) menu.



A calendar allows defining the working days and hours for the organization, and regular (weekends) and special (holidays) breaks.

Calendars can be used to check the availability of a resource, set timetables, schedule activities, etc.

SoftExpert Suite allows parameterizing different calendars according to the needs of the organization. For example, it is possible to create a default calendar with the hours of organization employees and an extra calendar with different hours for employees with different workloads, such as interns.

In this article, we will create the "Default calendar 2023" calendar as an example.


Parameterizing a calendar

See a practical example of the configuration of a calendar in the video below:

The hours entered in the Hours per day field will be used for the management and control of resources in SoftExpert Suite.

Even if the calendar is not set as default, it will be available to be associated with SoftExpert Suite records.


In addition to configuring exceptions for specific days, we can add them to days of the week. For example, we can indicate that every Friday of the year will be a day off.

To do so, simply click on the weekday and on to configure the exception. The exception configuration mode is the same as the one displayed in the "Parameterizing a calendar" video.



The calendar is ready to be associated with the system records.

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