Associate a storeroom with a waste
The SoftExpert Storeroom quick guide covers the association of supplies, wastes, and items through the respective components.
This topic will teach you to associate a waste with a storeroom through SoftExpert Waste.
It is first necessary to have a created storeroom.
To do that, refer to the Create a storeroom topic of the quick guide of that component.
In the Creating a storeroom type topic, select the Waste option.

Now that the storeroom has been created, we can associate it with a waste. To do that, access the WA003 menu.
Search for the waste ID # created in the Create a waste without revision control topic: “ACID-01”
Select it and click on the button.
Then, access the Associations tab > Storeroom section.
Click on the button on the side toolbar.
On the screen that will be opened, select the measurement unit of the "Machine acid" waste, determined during its creation, in the Measurement unit field.
Fill out the Generator field with the generator created in the Create a generator topic: in this case, the one with the "005" ID # and "Petrobras" name.
Click on the button on the list of records at the bottom of the association screen.
On the screen that will be opened, search for and select the storeroom created in the beginning of this topic.
Click on the button.
On the association screen, click on the button.
Now, simply close the waste data screen. The storeroom was associated!