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Audit trail




  • Access to the Portals menu.
  • Access to the audit trail.



The portal audit trail provides an important feature to track the events that occur in system portals. It covers adding, editing, deleting, copying, and viewing content.

A significant aspect is that even users without access permission to certain portals can monitor the events that take part in them. See below how to access the audit trail.


Monitoring events

This example will teach you to monitor the events that take place in a specific portal.

1. Access the Portals > See all menu.

2. Click on the button and select the Audit trail option.

3. On the displayed screen, all events that occurred and are related to system portals will be listed.

4. On the search field, enter the name of the desired portal.

5. Click on Apply.

6. After adjusting the filter information, click on Search.

  • It is possible to customize the columns displayed on the audit trail. To do so, simply click on the Columns option and enable those you wish to view. This flexibility allows users to adjust the viewing according to their specific needs and preferences.
  • In the Filters option, it is possible to select several filters to perform different searches related to portals.
  • For the events to be listed in the audit trail, they must be configured in the Configuration > Audit trail (CM012) menu of the SoftExpert Configuration component.
  • The Configuration button on the audit screen is a shortcut to the CM012 menu and allows the configuration to be performed by the users who have permission to configure the system audit trail.



By following the previously mentioned steps, you can track all events that take place in the created portals.

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