Performance - 2.2.3
New strategy map
SoftExpert Performance has introduced a new way of creating strategy maps for scorecards. The new feature can be enabled while creating a new strategy map by checking the “Beta version of the strategy map” option.
The beta version of the strategic map, in addition to having the features of the previous version, allows the use of the Ctrl + Z keyboard shortcut to undo changes.
More changes will be added to future versions to adapt this feature to the needs of users!

AI agent in text editing
By integrating SoftExpert Copilot with SoftExpert Performance, it will be possible to generate automatic descriptions for scorecards and indicators. Furthermore, in this new version, the AI agent of the Copilot component allows users to write, rewrite, translate, and summarize content without leaving the editor.
Get SoftExpert Copilot to gain access to this feature!
From version 2.2.3 onwards, the use of the ADINTERFACE table will be discontinued in the Performance component. Integrations that currently use this table must be adjusted to use DIINTERFACE. Refer to the Integration guide for further details.
View the latest improvements made to this component: