Business rule - 2.2.3
Integration with SoftExpert Analytics visions
In this version, we can use SoftExpert Analytics to create triggers based on the results of a numeric vision. By configuring the rule, it is possible to apply filters to vision results, which provides flexibility and efficiency.
More options for dynamic variables
Dynamic variables can now also be used when executing web service and SE Suite application actions.
Thus, actions may have their information based on the values acquired from the selected trigger.
Only the SoftExpert Audit, SoftExpert PDM, SoftExpert Customer, SoftExpert Supplier, and SoftExpert Training components allow for the use of dynamic variables at this time.
Operators for filtering numeric values
From this version onwards, when applying filters to numeric values, it will be possible to select the “Equal to”, “Different from”, “Greater than”, “Greater than or equal to”, “Less than”, and “Less than or equal to” operators.
Filters make it easier to search for specific results and ensure more accuracy in the searches!

Notification via Notification center
We can now send internal notifications directly through the notification center, with support for dynamic variables.
This new feature complements existing forms of notification and allows for more independent and customized communication.

More actions with SE Suite applications
We have expanded the possibilities of SE Suite application actions, offering more automation and connectivity between system components.
See the newly available actions:
SoftExpert Workflow
- Then a workflow is started.
SoftExpert Knowledge base
- Then an article is created.
SoftExpert Kanban
- Then a Kanban task is created.
- Then a Kanban task is edited.
SoftExpert Document
- Then a document is released.
SoftExpert Maintenance
- Then a programmed maintenance is created.
SoftExpert Gamification
- Then a user achievement is unlocked.
- Then an achievement linked to the user department is unlocked.
- Then an achievement linked to the user position is unlocked.
- Then a team achievement is unlocked.
More action triggers
Twenty-three new triggers have been made available to improve automation and integration with the components.
Check out the new triggers:
- When feedback is given: execute an automatic action when feedback is given.
- When feedback is received: execute an automatic action when feedback is received.
- When it is the birthday of a user: execute an automatic action when it is the birthday of a user.
- When it is the company anniversary of a user: execute an automatic action when it is the company anniversary of a user.
- When the default department/position of the user is edited: execute an automatic action when the default department/position of the user is edited.
Knowledge base
- When an article is created: perform an automatic action when an article is created.
- When a control effectiveness is edited: execute an automatic action when a control effectiveness is edited.
- When the result of the inherent risk evaluation is changed: execute an automatic action when the result of the inherent risk evaluation is changed.
- When an item is created: perform an automatic action when an item is created.
- When an item revision is created: perform an automatic action when an item revision is created.
- When an item is released: perform an automatic action when an item is released.
- When an item characteristic is created: perform an automatic action when an item characteristic is created.
- When a special item characteristic is created: perform an automatic action when a special item characteristic is created.
- When a supplier is created: perform an automatic action when a supplier is created.
- When a supplier is evaluated: perform an automatic action when a supplier is evaluated.
- When a supplier is disabled: perform an automatic action when a supplier is disabled.
- When a survey is answered: execute an automatic action when a survey is answered.
- When a customer is created: perform an automatic action when a customer is created.
- When a customer is evaluated: perform an automatic action when a customer is evaluated.
- When a customer is disabled: perform an automatic action when a customer is disabled.
- When an objective is achieved: execute an automatic action when an objective is achieved.
Action plan
- When the status of an action plan is changed: execute an automatic action when the status of an action plan is changed.
- When a competence evaluation is finished: execute an automatic action when a competence evaluation is finished.

Learn about the launch of SoftExpert BRM: